Subject Overview

‘All children are different, all are welcome.’ - No Outsiders

In September 2020, the DfE Statutory Relationships and Health Education Guidance became statutory.

The Jigsaw scheme, which has been introduced at Pine Ridge and Lorraine Schools this year has enabled us to be compliant with the new guidance.  We are continuing to use aspects of the No Outsiders scheme of work to help educate children on the British Values and the Protected Characteristics.

In accordance with the guidance, we have revised our RSHE policy, which has been reviewed by the School Governors.  This policy sets out the rationale for the subject, defines relationships, health and sex education, and sets out how it is taught at Pine Ridge and Lorriane Infant Schools.

This year, wellbeing has been a focus across the school and is a key part of Jigsaw PSHE.  For example, every lesson has a time for ‘Connect Us’ and ‘Calm Me’.  We would like staff and children to respect each other and provide a curriculum and ethos that supports the children’s wellbeing and emotional development.  An atmosphere where the children are the centre of what we do.  We envision that children will learn to problem solve, resolve issues and take risks with learning and relationships, knowing that there is a support network to guide them.

Curriculum Intent

Our PSHE lessons are designed to assist students to improve their emotional literacy and social skills by helping them become more aware of their own thoughts and feelings as they occur and creating techniques to help them manage them.  We follow the Jigsaw scheme of work, and by doing so, we hope to equip them with a valuable tool for life, one that will help them regulate their emotions, build emotional resilience, and improve their capacity to focus and concentrate, all of which will help them learn more effectively.  Pupils will work toward two learning intentions over the course of each unit, one based on specialised PSHE learning and the other on emotional literacy and social skills.  We want to make sure that when students graduate from Year 2, they have the skills they need to succeed in today's world and in their next phase of study.

Curriculum Implementation

The PSHE program is designed to be a whole-school approach, with all classes working on the same theme at the same time.  The jigsaw is divided into six puzzles (units), each with six pieces (lessons).  Lessons can be customised to the needs of the students in the year group or class, and there is some flexibility in planning, such as compressing units.

The 6 units we cover are:

Autumn 1: Being Me in My World

Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference

Spring 1: Dreams and Goals

Spring 2: Healthy Me

Summer 1: Relationships

Summer 2: Changing Me

Long term planning is overseen by the subject lead and, in each year group, one teacher is responsible for planning of the PSHE lessons.  Much of the time in PSHE is spent in conversation or doing practical activities, with the goal of building skills that may be seen in action throughout the school day.  At the end of each lesson, they are given the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned as well as how this has made them feel.  With wellbeing at the centre of PSHE lessons, we make sure that students have plenty of time to talk to us about anything after they've had a chance to think about it.

Outside of the Jigsaw scheme, many other aspects of the school help develop well-rounded and equipped individuals; positive relationships with staff, celebration of achievements, outdoor learning and opportunities to share pupil views via the school council.

Curriculum Impact

The scheme of work is designed to enable skills to be acquired throughout the course of the year and be built upon as each year progresses.  Each puzzle focuses on different key skills to be acquired by the end of the year, some examples are:

Being Me in My World - Who am I and how do I fit?

Celebrating Difference - Respect for similarity and difference.  Anti-bullying and being unique.

Dreams and Goals - Aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this.

Healthy Me - Being and keeping safe and healthy.

Relationships - Building positive, healthy relationships.

Changing Me - Copying positively with change.

No Outsiders - Accepting others and understanding of differences in race, religion, gender and sexuality.

Useful Websites / Parent Guides

Jigsaw - The Mindful Approach to PSHE

Jigsaw - Relationships Education, Health Education and Sex Education in Primary School

Links to Policies

PSHE Skills Progression KS1