The School Day

The official part of the school day starts with morning registration at 8:45am and ends at 3:00pm.  This includes breaks but not optional before or after school activities.

The total time this amounts to in a typical week is 32.5 hours.

Pine Ridge Nursery


8:45am - 11:45am
12:00pm - 3:00pm

Pine Ridge Infant School

  8:30am - 3:00pm
  • Children enter through the Esher Road pedestrian gate at 8:25am
  • School opens for children at 8:30am
  • Registration is at 8:45am
  • Mid-morning break 10:45am - 11:00am
  • End of morning session 12:00pm
  • Lunch Break 12:00pm - 1:00pm
  • Afternoon session commences 1:00pm
  • End of afternoon session 3:00pm

We have a variety of after school clubs at Pine Ridge.  Please click here and you will be redirected to clubs running at the moment and in future.

Help us keep your children safe

At Pine Ridge we are all very conscious of the need to ensure the safety of the pupils and staff.  From 9.00am to 2.45pm access to the site is through the Esher Road gate.  All visitors must report to the main office.  Please close all gates and doors on entry and exit.  Access controls are installed on all external doors to prevent unauthorised entry.

During the day children are not allowed in the play areas unsupervised and, therefore, for safety reasons children must not use equipment before or after school.