Pupil Premium

What is the Pupil Premium Grant?

Pupil Premium is a funding allocated to schools by the Department of Education to provide additional educational support according to the number of children eligible for Free School Meals during the last 6 years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).  Its purpose is to raise attainment, accelerate progress and fulfil the achievement potential of all our children.  It is up to schools to decide how to spend the Pupil Premium funding because they are best placed to assess what additional educational provision should be put in place to ensure maximum progress for all the children within their care.  All schools will be held accountable for how they have used the Pupil Premium funding and the impact it has had on the children’s learning.

To find out more about the support the Department for Education offers children and young adults, click here.

GLF's Aspiration for All children to Grow, Learn and Flourish

All GLF Schools are committed to our core remit of providing an outstanding educational experience.  Raising the attainment of disadvantaged pupils is part of our commitment to help all pupils achieve their full potential.

We aim for:

  • All children to enjoy their learning, attain high outcomes and be helped to become confident individuals and responsible citizens whilst making excellent progress in all respects;
  • All children to benefit from an inclusive ethos, excellent teaching and a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by strong leadership, in a local school;
  • All children to be supported and encouraged to lead healthy and active lives

Pupil Premium within Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation

Pupil Premium within the Federation is used primarily to accelerate the progress for eligible children, through the planning and delivery of a range of enhanced and personalised learning experiences and interventions.

Within the Federation we currently have approximately 19% of children who are entitled to Pupil Premium funding.

We regularly review our Pupil Premium initiatives to ensure they are having a positive impact.  Each year we plan priorities for this year’s expenditure based on the cohort of eligble children.

Accessing the Pupil Premium with Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation

Funding is allocated to the school based on an annual basis.  It is important that if you think your child is eligible for pupil premium support, you must contact the school office for more information.  Individual requests for financial support for school-based activities are considered by the Headteacher.  Requests can be made via the school office.

Important: To find out more information on whether you are eligible for Free School Meals, please click here.  If you think you are eligible then please complete an application form, available by clicking here or in hard copy from the school office.
