
Following our Ofsted inspection on 25th September 2019, please follow the link to the final inspection report.

We are incredibly proud that Lorraine Infant School continues to be a ‘GOOD’ school.

The report tells you what it is like for your child to attend this school, what the school does well and what it needs to do better.

We are especially delighted that Ofsted recognised No pupils are left out or left behind in this school” and that “School leaders and staff know each pupil through and through in this happy, welcoming school.”

Inspectors saw that Pupils care for each other and love working together.  They copy staff’s good manners, consideration and kindness.  The school’s atmosphere is calm and secure.  It is a place where children can be children and enjoy learning.”

During the day, inspectors met with the Executive Headteacher, Head of School and other senior leaders from across our three schools.  They also met with the Chair of the Schools’ SSB, Mr Garrett, and the CEO of GLF Schools, Mr Chaloner.

Meetings were held with teachers from the school and Nursery.  They met with our pupils, looked at their work and spoke to them about what it is like to attend Lorraine Infant School.  They also spoke to parents collecting children at the end of the day.  Inspectors reviewed the school’s arrangements for safeguarding and the school’s provision for pupils with SEND.

We would like to thank you for your support and contribution to the inspection process; inspectors spoke to many of you on the playground after school and took into account responses to the online questionnaire (Parent View).

We could not be more proud of our children and their wonderful achievements; it is fantastic to have their efforts recognised by Ofsted, who said the children are “lively and enthusiastic about learning and thrive on the well-deserved praise they receive for taking part and trying.”

We are immensely grateful to our highly committed teachers and staff who work extremely hard every day to make Lorraine Infant School the best that it can be.


To go to Lorraine's page on the Ofsted website please click here.

For further information about the school's performance follow this link to the Department for Education website.